About Us

We're here to help

Our Story

Our Story

CaseCrush started as a simple idea - clients benefit by becoming more involved in their lawsuits, so we should coach them in specific ways as to how to become more involved. There are many things which clients must do in any lawsuit - convey the facts, decide what information is needed from the adversary, learn about what to expect, review documents, testify, interact with their lawyer & make key decisions, including about settling the lawsuit. We developed materials to engage, empower & inform clients at every stage of a typical lawsuit.

Our first product, Your Intake Report, is designed to help any client at the beginning of the lawsuit. Clients will benefit from the guidance. Lawyers will benefit by receiving a thorough, organized intake report without any effort. Your Intake Report is designed for use in any civil lawsuit to organize the essential information of the case. We made it very easy to use - using a step by step approach. We identify the parties & witnesses. We help organize the documents. We sequence the events of the lawsuit. We list all insurance policies relevant to the case. We summarize the dispute. Your Intake Report efficiently organizes, records & communicates a client’s knowledge to their legal team. We will be adding materials for clients to embellish if they wish -- so for example, clients will be able to check off witness characteristics, provide full profiles of key persons, companies, property & other issues in the case, identify red flags, point out background information needed to explain documents, contrast parts of different documents, etc. See Coming Soon

We want to help clients become better advocates for themselves. One way is to organize their knowledge of the factual details underlying their lawsuit. When the clients do that work in the best possible way - they can save money & improve the accuracy of the client’s position. At this time, there is no such online resource for clients. We are proud to be able to fill that need.

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Our Team

John Wallace

John Wallace
Founder & CEO

John practiced business litigation in Southern California for 4 decades. During this time, his clients faced similar challenges, particularly in the flow of information between lawyer & client. He saw that clients need generic information about a typical lawsuit (like WebMD & similar sites -- but for anyone in a lawsuit); because no such resource existed, he created a roadmap about what to expect in a lawsuit. He wrote practical checklists & step-by-step guides for clients. His goal was a playbook or gameplan to show clients how to present the facts which gave rise to the lawsuit in the best way possible -- especially because the facts are a huge part of any lawsuit & because clients are typically more aware than their lawyers about those facts. He refined those materials numerous times to make them streamlined & comprehensive. CaseCrush is now putting these materials online! Starting with your Intake Report, any client will be able to access a war-chest of collateral to succeed in their lawsuit & together we can make CaseCrush the best-in-class resource for litigants (namely, anyone involved in a lawsuit). 

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Mike Wallace

Mike Wallace
Director of Business Development

Mike has a background in E-Commerce and Digital Marketing. He built 3rd-Party Storefronts on Amazon, Ebay & other e-comm platforms, starting at 16 years old. Additionally, a stint in software sales gave him insights which he now brings to CaseCrush. At CaseCrush, Mike is responsible for creating our digital marketing campaigns, building brand awareness & working with our technology team so that we can best serve clients who finally have a resource devoted to them.

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